Dose Management in contemporary radiological practice

4th October 2017  09:00 AM - 05:00 PM (GMT+00:00) GMT

This event is organised jointly by the BIR and IPEM. 

Register for this event via the IPEM website

Radiation doses to patients have been and remain of considerable interest in benchmarking radiological practice from both professional and regulatory viewpoints. Whilst RIS and PACS systems have long been considered essential to the day-to-day operation and work of radiology professionals, equivalent systems that effectively and efficiently handle, process and manage dose information are not similarly integrated into service ICT structures. Extracting reliable dose information and other key study and patient metrics is as a result time consuming, inefficient and prone to numerous sources of error. Time can be disproportionately spent on the process at the expense of using that information to improve the quality of imaging and of service to patients.

This meeting aims to bring together radiological professionals, medical physicists, PACS managers and industry specialists to share knowledge, experience and best practice in putting into place Dose Management - ‘the last piece of the Radiology jigsaw’.

The meeting comprises a mix of papers and parallel DMS supplier sessions where delegates can see and hear about DMS systems from the suppliers, including opportunities to have their questions answered.

View full event programme

Learning outcomes 
1. A detailed understanding of how Dose Management Systems enhance the effective use of dose information to assist with optimisation, and meeting dose audit and reporting requirements.
2. Knowledge and awareness of critical factors for procurement, integration and implementation of Dose Management Systems as part of the essential ICT infrastructure to support radiology professionals and their services.

Target audiences
1. Radiologists, cardiologists
2. Medical Physicists
3. Radiographers
4. PACS Managers / Radiology ICT specialists

On-line registration open now

IPEM member: £155
IPEM member trainee: £130
IPEM member technologist: £115
IPEM member student/retired/non-salaried: £85
Non-member: £205

Please note there is a £20 discount on these prices if booked up to 4 weeks in advance.
Full prices apply from 6th September 2017

Registration deadline: 20th September 2017


