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COVID-19 Imaging 03 Apr 2020

This virtual event offers the latest information and reflections on COVID-19, presented by Consultant Radiologists Dr Sri Redla, Dr Mary Roddie, Dr Nick Screaton and Dr Nick Woznitza, Consultant Radiographer. The use of X-ray compared to CT for patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 is examined. The event also explores: grading of chest X-rays and the impact of the virus on radiology departments, including radiographic practice. Information on the role of imaging, pathways and guidance is shared and Consultant Chest Physician Dr Muhammed Anwar gives a medical perspective on the epidemiology of the pandemic.

Dr Sri Redla
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Dr Sri Redla is currently BIR Honorary Secretary and is a Consultant Radiologist and the
Clinical Lead for the AI Assurance Board, helping the Trust with the Digital strategy at
Princess Alexandra Hospital, Harlow. Dr Redla was Chair of the Clinical Imaging Special
Interest Group (SIG) at the BIR and has taken an active lead in supporting special interest
group and branches. He has also played a vital role in helping to develop and grow the
BIR Annual Congress. Dr Redla was the College Tutor for Radiology at Princess Alexandra
Hospital, Harlow and a member of the East of England Deanery Radiology Training
Committee between 2004 and 2007. He has taken on various management roles in his
Trust from 2007.

Dr Mary Roddie 
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Dr Mary Roddie is a Consultant Thoracic Radiologist from London with a major interest in
group learning from error and exemplary practice as well as the development of electronic
teaching material for shared learning. She was the inaugural convenor of the Radiology
Events and Learning programme at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and chaired the
READ panel (now the REAL panel) of the Royal College of Radiologists from 2016 to 2019.
She is past secretary of the British Society Thoracic Imaging and is currently chair of the
Fellowship Examination Committee of the RCR.

Dr Nick Woznitza 
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Dr Nick Woznitza is a Consultant Radiographer, specialising in plain imaging reporting.
As part of a team of reporting radiographers, he provides a significant contribution to
diagnostic capacity and has successfully implemented several radiographer led-reporting
initiatives. Nick is an accredited Consultant Practitioner with the College of Radiographers
and also as an Advanced Practitioner with the Australian Society of Medical Imaging and
Radiation Therapy. Nick was the overall winner and practice innovator of the year at the
2017 Chief Allied Health Professions Officer awards.

Dr Nick Screaton 
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Dr Nick Screaton is a Consultant Cardiothoracic Radiologist at Papworth Hospital
Cambridge. His specific areas of interest are imaging in airways disease, interstitial lung
disease, pulmonary hypertension and lung cancer screening. Nick has undertaken various
roles in recent years including President of the British Society of Thoracic Imaging 2009-
13, NICE committee work, representation on Specialised Imaging NCRG and guidelines
development work with RCR, BTS and NICE. Nick is also Chair of the BIR’s East of England

Dr Muhammad Anwar

Dr Muhammad Anwar is a Chest Consultant who trained at North West Thames London Deanery in 2013. He has a specialist interest and is a lead in interstitial lung disease, tuberculosis, venous thromboembolism, bronchiectasis and endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration.

3 CPD credit.

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Duration:186 mins