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Catch Stuart Taylor live, exclusively for BIR at this year's Annual Congress
7th - 8th November 2019, London

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Small Bowel MRI 14 Jul 2014

Register for AC2019

Duration:35 mins

Small Bowel MRI from British Institute of Radiology on Vimeo.

Speaker info

Stuart Taylor

Stuart Taylor is Professor of medical Imaging at University College London. He chaired the European Congress of Radiology GI committee in 2012 and was the 2009 RCR Roentgen Professor. He delivered the 2012 BIR Sir Godfrey Hounsfield lecture on the development of CT colonography. His research interests include the use of MRI in cancer staging, and the imaging of Crohn’s disease and he holds significant grant income in both these areas. He is a trustee of the British Institute of Radiology and deputy editor of the BJR. He chairs the pelvic section of the current ESGAR/ECCO committee developing imaging guidelines in inflammatory bowel disease