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Proton radiotherapy part II 01 Jul 2016

This is the second in a series of “Proton radiotherapy” videos. In it, physicist Stuart Green looks at key aspects of proton therapy and discusses where future developments will bring the greatest benefits. The ongoing research efforts into delivering proton-CT imaging are also discussed, both in the context of treatment planning and as part of the adaptive delivery process, together with the role of collimation to improve the physical dose distribution delivered to patients. Radiographer Hazel Pennington provides an overview of the progress of the Proton Beam Therapy project to develop a national service in the UK. She will present an update on the build progress, the equipment, and information on the patient pathway for referrers.  

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More Proton Therapy videos:
Proton and particle radiotherapy
Proton radioherapy III
Proton radiotherapy IV


Duration:50 mins

Speaker info

Professor Stuart Green

Professor Stuart Green is the Director of Medical Physics at University Hospital Birmingham and Hon Prof of Physics at University of Birmingham.

Ms Hazel Pennington

Hazel Pennington is the Lead project radiographer for PBT at The Christie NHS Foundation Trust.